SSEZ marks BRI 10th anniversary with achievement exhibition
2023-05-24 19:09:49


An exhibition showcasing the achievements of the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ), a flagship project in Cambodia under China"s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), kicked off Monday, marking the 10th anniversary of BRI.

Over the past decade, the SSEZ has become the investment destination for 175 enterprises, employing nearly 30,000 individuals. The annual import and export volume has increased from $139 million in 2013 to $2.493 billion in 2022, giving strong impetus to the kingdom"s economic growth. The SSEZ aims to build an eco-friendly demonstration park to accommodate 300 enterprises as well as 80000-100000 industrial workers.

Jiangsu General Science Technology Co., Ltd. (JGST) unveiled its Cambodia branch in the SSEZ also on Monday. As the second overseas production base of JGST, the subsidiary of Jiangsu’s Hodo Group, the move is expected to further expand its global operations. This project is by far the largest investment in the zone, with an estimated annual production capacity of 5 million semi-steel radial tires and 900,000 all-steel radial tires while creating about 1,600 jobs.



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